We're very pleased to announce the official launch of PhilEvents, a new kind of calendar for academic events in philosophy targeted at researchers and graduate students.
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The main way to use PhilEvents is through its "Upcoming Events" page, which looks like this:

Notice that it knows where I'm browsing from, as well as the research topics I'm interested in:

Another crucial feature of this page is what I like to call the "laziness level selector." That's the part of the page where the user tells PhilEvents how far he or she is willing to go to attend various events:

That's what allows PhilEvents to present just the right events below.
PhilEvents has many other important features not apparent here, for example:
- It sends off email alerts of upcoming events based on criteria that parallel those of the upcoming events page.
- It allows anyone to download its events in a variety of formats, for example, CSV and iCal.
- It supports embedded widgets similar to Google Gadgets, which institutions or individuals can use to embed events on their web pages. This is handy to maintain a calendar in sync with PhilEvents.
- It supports attaching recordings and live streams of events to event announcements.
PhilEvents itself is not a redistributable product, but its data are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. The School of Advanced Study is also making available a Blogger-like platform for other organisations to operate calendars like PhilEvents: xEvents. xEvents is still in beta, but anyone is welcome to try it immediately. The School of Advanced Study is not only committed to supporting PhilEvents and xEvents over the coming years, but it will continue active development on these products over the coming months in order to improve them in response to user feedback.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the whole project team for their great work and enthusiasm throughout the project. Thanks Vithun (programming and graphics design), Prabhu (programming), Chrissy (content management), Lee (user rep), Jean-Philippe (graphics design), Martin (user rep), Dave (user rep), Shahrar (administration), Valerie (administration), and Barry (direction). We're also grateful for the support provided by JISC's Geospatial programme and the Dean's Development Fund at the School of Advanced Study.
Table of contents for project posts
Project plan
- Project overview
- Primary project benefits
- 海外代理ip
- The IPR question
- Project team
- Timeline and workplan
- The budget
Progress, challenges, and reflections
- PhilEvents isn't big data, but it's smart data
- The platform choice: why Grails
- Multiple senders with the Grails mail plugin
- Customizing Spring-Security
- Multi-tenant architecture: running multiple web sites as one Grails app
- Image cropping in Grails
- Matching IPs, cities, geographic coordinates
- Fuzzball has arrived
- MySQL fulltext and spatial search in Grails